
Georgian Bay FHT launches a Home Monitoring Program with their OHT for COVID patients at home

Collingwood Today article published January 29, 2021

By Collingwood Today

To better support residents in South Georgian Bay who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are recovering at home, the South Georgian Bay Ontario Health Team (SGB OHT) has launched a Home Monitoring Program to care for high-risk patients with suspect or confirmed COVID-19.

Elliot Lake FHT Continues to support Delivery service for seniors

The Sudbury Star article published December 22, 2020

By Colleen Romaniuk

Elliot Lake city councillors voted to extend the community’s Age Friendly Delivers program into the new year at a regular city council meeting on Monday.

Council last approved an extension of the program to the end of December, but because of a steady demand for service, city staff recommended the program continue until March 2021.