Examining Cannabis Use and Mental Health Concerns in Youth

Dr. Toula Kourgiantakis from the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto is conducting a research study titled Examining Cannabis Use and Mental Health Concerns in Youth from the Perspectives of Youth, Parents, and Service Providers: A Community-Based Participatory Research Approach

The aim of this confidential study is to advance our understanding of cannabis use in youth/young adults (aged 16-24) from the perspectives of youth/young adults, parents/caregivers, and service providers. We would like to use this information to generate recommendations that will strengthen and inform policies and practice guidelines related to cannabis use and mental health in youth and young adults. 

To participate in this study, you must be a youth/young adult (aged 16-24) who uses cannabis regularly (at least one time per week) or a parent or caregiver of a youth aged 16-24 and you perceive that the youth you are supporting is using cannabis regularly (at least once per week) or a service provider (physician, social worker, psychologist, nurse, pharmacist, or psychotherapist) in a health and mental health care setting, who works with or occasionally treat youth and or young adults (aged 16-24).

If you agree to participate, we will be asking you to attend an online zoom or phone interview which will be approximately 60 minutes. If you would like to participate in the study, you can find the consent form here.

You can contact the project coordinator Dr. Sandra McNeil-Marshall for more information at sandy.mcneil.marshall@mail.utoronto.ca

See here for Youth/Young Adult Recruitment Flyer.

See here for Service Provider Recruitment Flyer.

See here for Parent/Caregiver Recruitment Flyer.