Hamilton and McMaster FHTs provide drive-thru COVID-19 testing for 60 people per day

Y108 News article published April 23, 2020

By Lisa Polewski

Hamiltonians can now book a COVID-19 test at the city's drive-thru site, based inside the Dave Andreychuk Mountain Arena.
It’s not quite the same as a fast-food drive-thru, but the COVID-19 testing centre at the Dave Andreychuk Mountain Arena is as efficient as it gets.

Since Hamilton’s third testing site opened its doors a week ago, they’ve been testing about 60 people per day.

How Lakelands FHT Handled a Positive COVID-19 Result At Their Clinic

As told by Dr. Matt Dumas, Lead Physician, Lakelands FHT*

In late March, Lakelands FHT discovered that there was a positive case at our Northbrook site. That resulted in the immediate closure of our building. We all had to go home and finish 14 day periods of self-isolation. To our surprise, this meant having to distance ourselves from our own families, which was very difficult.

Londoners and Thames Valley FHT organize to supply doctor's offices, 'love-bomb' health-care workers

The London Free Press article published Mar. 20, 2020

By Randy Richmond

A handful of Londoners have turned some casual conversations into a grassroots effort supplying thousands of gloves and masks to local medical clinics.

And they want more people stuck at home, especially business leaders, to step up and help.