Timmins FHT becomes Timmins Academic FHT

Media release published December 2, 2019

Timmins, December 2, 2019 – The Timmins Family Health Team / Équipe de Santé Familiale unveiled it’s new name and logo today. Now known as the Timmins Academic Family Health Team/Équipe de Santé Familiale Académique, (TAFHT), the new brand will help tell the story of the impact this organization has on providing sustainable quality healthcare in the Timmins region.

AFHTO members leading Ontario Health Teams

Originally published Jul. 30, 2019. Last updated Dec. 4, 2019

On July 18, 2019, the Minister of Health, Hon. Christine Elliott, hosted a town hall to provide an update on the next steps for becoming an Ontario Health Team (OHT) for those who completed a self-assessment. With more than 150 submissions received, OHTs are being positioned as a new way to deliver care by providing seamless transitions of care for patients and removing barriers for providers.