Couchiching FHT Trans health program is where advocacy meets health care
Orillia Matters article published September 24, 2019
By Jessica Owen, Village Media
Memory clinics win Joule grant
Dorset Hub Featured on CBC Podcast, Addressing The Topic 'Can't Find A Family Doctor'
CBC Ontario Today podcast shared on August 14, 2019
Covered by Rita Celli, CBC Ontario Today
The Topic: 'Can't Find A Family Doctor'
Mark (patient)
Northeastern Manitoulin FHT retains Opioid replacement therapy program
Manitoulin Expositor article published August 14, 2019
By Michael Erskine, The Manitoulin Expositor
Mindemoya clinic will be considered to better serve the needs of Central, West End patients
City of Kawartha Lakes FHT Celebrates grant for Seniors’ Play Park in Fenelon Falls
Lindsay Advocate article published July 4, 2019
By Laurie Scott, The Lambton Shield
Owen Sound FHT holds 'Adulting' focused seminar for youth
Owen Sound Sun Times article published on July 4, 2019
By Patrick Spencer, The Owen Sound Sun Times
How do I make a budget? What should I cook for one? How do I book a doctor’s appointment?
Marathon FHT celebrates community's win on Ontario's most-active list
CBC, Thunder Bay article published June 27, 2019
By CBC News, CBC Thunder Bay
Town on north shore of Lake Superior is regional winner in national active living challenge
The Town of Marathon has been named Ontario's most-active community in a national contest to get Canadians moving more and sitting less.
Windsor FHT awarded part of large grants for mental and oral health projects
Windsor Star article published on June 27, 2019
By Jennifer La Grassa,Windsor Star
More than half a million dollars was given to several organizations across Windsor-Essex Thursday, from the Downtown Mission to the Residence for Young Men.
Windsor FHT featured in 2nd report from the Premier’s Council on Improving Healthcare and Ending Hallway Medicine
A healthy Ontario: Building a sustainable health care system
Report released on June 25, 2019
By Dr. Rueben Devlin, Chair, Premier’s Council on Improving Healthcare and Ending Hallway Medicine
Under Chapter 3: Ten recommendations to improve health care: Integration: Recommendations 1–3
Innovation in Ontario