
COVID-19 Outbreak Has Likely Peaked in Ontario

Ontario News Release

Modelling shows physical distancing still needed to prevent further spread

TORONTO — The Ontario government today released updated COVID-19 modelling, which shows that the enhanced public health measures, including staying home and physically distancing from each other, are working to contain the spread of the virus and flatten the curve.

An Open Letter from AFHTO, NPAO and the OCFP on PPE in Primary Care During COVID-19

April 15, 2020

An open letter regarding PPE in Primary Care during COVID-19 was released today from the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO), Nurse Practitioners' Association of Ontario (NPAO) and the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP). On behalf of our members - who are caring for patients in communities across Ontario in the midst of COVID-19 - we are seeking urgent assistance from Ontario's Ministry of Health in ensuring access to appropriate PPE in order to safeguard patient access to primary care.

How Lakelands FHT Handled a Positive COVID-19 Result At Their Clinic

As told by Dr. Matt Dumas, Lead Physician, Lakelands FHT*

In late March, Lakelands FHT discovered that there was a positive case at our Northbrook site. That resulted in the immediate closure of our building. We all had to go home and finish 14 day periods of self-isolation. To our surprise, this meant having to distance ourselves from our own families, which was very difficult.

EMR Communities of Practice Transition to OntarioMD

Originally posted March 31, 2020, updated on April 3, 2020.

Dear AFHTO EMR CoP Members, 

As many of you are aware the EMR communities of practice (CoP) will be transitioning from AFHTO to OntarioMD effective March 31, 2020. AFHTO would like to thank all members for their continuous support and participation. We would also like to sincerely thank CoP leads for their dedication to these groups! We look forward to a smooth transition. 

Londoners and Thames Valley FHT organize to supply doctor's offices, 'love-bomb' health-care workers

The London Free Press article published Mar. 20, 2020

By Randy Richmond

A handful of Londoners have turned some casual conversations into a grassroots effort supplying thousands of gloves and masks to local medical clinics.

And they want more people stuck at home, especially business leaders, to step up and help.