How to achieve quick wins when implementing Ontario’s Delirium Quality Standard
Delirium is a preventable harm for your older patients which can lead to functional decline and death. Do you have reliable and consistent processes across your organization to prevent or manage it?
Regardless of your type or size of organization, or where you’re starting from (getting started or building on successes, or anything in between), our new Practical Implementation Guide for Ontario’s Delirium Quality Standard is intended to help you elevate your practice in delirium care.
The guide focuses on achieving quick wins and includes:
- steps for assembling a team, including a sample “elevator pitch”
- ready-to-use change ideas with tips on prioritizing which one to start with first
- steps for action planning, including a planning template, an action plan template, and strategies for overcoming common implementation barriers
Delirium care is an important component of senior friendly care (sfCare). sfCare is evidence-based and foundational care that meets the unique needs of older adults. It is not an add-on to care, and must be woven into the fabric of care for every older adult across every part of the healthcare system, especially during a pandemic.
The best time to start protecting the well-being of your older patients by addressing the gaps in delirium care is now! Addressing delirium care as a priority during pandemic recovery will be an important enabler for patient flow and outcomes while the system collectively addresses the backlog for healthcare services.
Feedback is welcome on this guide, feel free to connect with an sfCare coach:
RGP of Toronto
QI in Action eBulletin #107: COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Workflow and Mass Upload Tips & Tricks
In this Issue:
- COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Workflow and Mass Upload Tips & Tricks
- Ontario Health Updates: Quality Standards (QS)
- Recent Research Publications
- Upcoming Webinars
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Workflow and Mass Upload Tips & Tricks
March 19th Update on COVID-19 Vaccination Roll Out
Dear Members,
We are writing to provide you with an update from our united Primary Care COVID-19 Vaccination Collaborative (PC-VAC*). This week’s key messages that we shared with vaccine decision-makers can be found here.
Measuring the Patient/Client Experience with Virtual Care in Primary Care
Measuring the Patient/Client Experience with Virtual Care in Primary Care

Annual Priorities for the 2020/21 Quality Improvement Plans
Health Quality Ontario (HQO) has launched the priorities for the 2020/21 Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs).