AFHTO 2024 Conference on October 24-25
Better Outcomes Together: Empowering Teams for Patient-Centered Care

The Ontario government is awarding a contract to create a one-stop, digitally enabled navigation tool with fully bilingual services that will increase access to care and improve equity. This new tool expected to be ready in early 2022, where Ontarians will have a ‘Digital Front Door’ to Ontario’s health care system, offering a place where they can have easier access to health information, advice, initial triage, symptom checking, mental health and addictions supports, home and community care, caregiver supports, information on finding a local doctor or nurse practitioner, and virtual care to become connected to health information and health care services across the province and to receive guidance throughout their health care journey.
Ontario Health has been assigned contract management for the navigation tool and will work closely with the consortium, the ministry, and key stakeholders to design and implement this service. The ministry and Ontario Health will continue to work closely with health care sector partners to harness their expertise and insights on how best to support health care system navigation and address patients and providers’ needs.
Helpful Resources:
• Health Care Navigation Service overview (attached document)
Dear Members,
We are writing to provide you with an update from our united Primary Care COVID-19 Vaccination Action Council (*PC-VAC). Last week’s key messages that we shared with vaccine decision-makers can be found here.
Dear Members,
We are writing to provide you with an update from our united Primary Care COVID-19 Vaccination Action Council (*PC-VAC). This week’s key messages that we shared with vaccine decision-makers can be found here.