Team-Based Care: Making it a reality for all

Canadians believe that healthcare is a right- it’s core to our national identity. Despite this core belief, access to healthcare in Ontario, and across other provinces, is inequitable. This inequity in access extends to primary care, the foundation of the healthcare system. The academic literature, along with health systems reporting, echo the anecdotal evidence from our communities – there isn’t enough healthcare to go around. This reality has significant implications for patients, family members, providers, and the system.
While it may feel as though little has changed to address health system challenges in recent years, the voices of our communities and providers have gotten louder and are speaking together. These voices are unequivocally calling for team-based care. Primary care teams and broader partnerships between healthcare providers, municipalities, and others, are more focused on treating the whole patient than ever before. Government is listening and realizing the opportunity to take bold action. It’s time for team-based care to be a reality for all.
Registration is now open!
- Register an individual or team for the conference
- Early-bird registration closes October 6, 2023 (extended).
- Members get more than 50% off registration. Concurrent session speakers and planning committee members are also eligible for additional discounts
- Find out more about registration fees and discounts
- Reserve a room at the preferred group rate at Hilton Toronto (Sheraton sold out)
- Book discounted travel arrangements with Air Canada, Porter and Via Rail
- Conference and registration FAQs
Conference Program
See our schedule for current information on our detailed and varied conference program.
Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities
Increase your corporate visibility with leaders from primary care organizations across Ontario by sponsoring or exhibiting at the AFHTO 2023 Conference.
Conference key dates*:
- October 3, 2023 - Hilton Toronto booking deadline (rooms may still be available after)
- October 6, 2023 - Extended early bird registration deadline
- October 20, 2023 - Virtual Registration Deadline
- October 25, 2023- AFHTO 2023 Conference
* The conference date is set but all other dates are subject to change as needed.
To get the latest news and updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and sign up for our email list (form available on home page).
AFHTO is committed to the health and safety of conference attendees. Given the continued uncertainty and risk, we will be taking all steps available to us to ensure a safe and healthy environment. We will be strongly encouraging all participants to take such steps alongside AFHTO staff and volunteers, including wearing high quality masks in indoor areas, COVID-19 vaccination, and physical distancing. While no environment can eliminate risk, we will do the utmost to update you as information evolves, so that we can all take the necessary steps to keep each other safe. For more information on the venue’s measures, please visit here.
Future AFHTO Conferences:
For the forward planners, AFHTO’s conference dates for future years are listed below.
- October 24-25, 2024
- October 23-24, 2025