
Dufferin Area FHT and other local agencies to benefit from overhaul of Ontario’s health care bureaucracy

The Orangeville Citizen article published October 21, 2019

By Mike Baker, Orangeville Citizen

Eight months on from the Ford government’s announcement of plans to overhaul Ontario’s health care system, service providers in Dufferin-Caledon feel our community is “well placed” to become one of the provincial leaders in the new movement. 

Annual Report 2019: Health System Integration Built on the Foundation of Team-based Primary Care

In 2017, AFHTO engaged in a strategic planning exercise that led to the development of a 3-year strategic plan with a shared vision: high quality, sustainable, team-based primary health care for all.

It is now 2019 - the final year of our strategic plan - and there’s significant change underway in Ontario as the health care system is restructured to deliver fully integrated, patient-centred care that’s co-designed by patients, families and caregivers alongside their health care providers.