OCFP recognises AFHTO members at 2021 Awards Ceremony

AFHTO congratulates physicians in our member family health teams who were recognized on Wednesday, November 11, 2021, at the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP) 2021 Awards Ceremony.

Congratulations to all those recognized this year:

Dr. Barb Zelek of Marathon FHT, named 2021 Reg. L Perkin Ontario Family Physician of the Year as well as Regional Family Physician of the Year

Family Medicine Resident of the Year – Ontario’s Rising Star

Annual Report 2021 (Post-Pandemic Primary Care: Respond, Recover, Rebuild)

It has been a challenging 20 months, and primary care teams have been leaders.

Throughout this pandemic, teams adjusted to new circumstances and continued to provide comprehensive care while extending reach to support their communities. They were leaders in organizing assessment centres, conducting tests, and administering COVID-19 vaccines. They collaborated with their partners to help keep communities safe, while keeping their doors open to provide care to their patients and others who needed it most.

AFHTO Bright Lights Awards - nominations now open! Only until August 27

Shine a light on your team’s achievements. Nominate an outstanding team or individual for a “Bright Lights” Award by August 27, 2021.

AFHTO’s “Bright Lights” Awards recognize AFHTO members’ leadership, outstanding work and the significant progress being made to improve the value interprofessional primary care teams across Ontario deliver.

There’s no better time to show what you can do. Select award recipients will receive an education grant.

“Bright Lights” Award recipients are:

Essex County NPLC receives COVID-19 grant to improve access to technology and enhanced digital services

The Essex County Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic (ECNPLC) enhancing digital services to meet community needs.

Essex County NPLC has received grant funding from the Canadian Red Cross, through the COVID-19 Emergency Support for Community Organizations Granting Program, to improve access to technology and enhanced digital services.