On October 27 AFHTO named the winners of our tenth annual Bright Lights Awards at our virtual ceremony. These innovators have improved access to primary care through their leadership, outstanding work and significant progress made toward improving the value delivered by interprofessional primary care teams throughout Ontario. Bright Lights Award winners are innovators and team players whose work has an impact on the healthcare system and in the lives of their patients and communities.
The review committees made up of AFHTO members chose the winners from among dozens of nominations. AFHTO gave awards for excellent response to COVID-19, as well as two special awards for reducing unnecessary care and integrated care for older adults. The winners for response to COVID-19 will receive a $750 education grant each courtesy of Boehringer Ingelheim. The winners for the special awards will receive a $750 education grant each courtesy of Choosing Wisely Canada and Provincial Geriatrics Leadership Ontario respectively.
In addition, AFHTO’s board presented an award to a physician leader who supported primary care providers in a hard-hit community and continues to tirelessly advocate for ongoing support.
Board Award: Dr. Brian Klar
In recognition of: Commitment to Integrated Healthcare with An Equitable Foundation In Primary Care
This year, the board has recognized Dr. Brian Klar, Chief of Family Medicine at William Osler Health System (WOHS) , and the co-chair of the Collaboration Council of the Brampton Etobicoke Ontario Health Team (BEOHT), for his tireless advocacy on behalf of primary care and leadership in the sector.
The six recipients of Bright Lights Awards are listed below. Click on the links to read a summary of their achievements:
1. Sherbourne Health Centre, Inner City, St. Michael's Hospital Academic Family Health Teams
Award Category: Community Response to COVID-19
Achievement: Collaborative Response to Care Needs in Downtown East Toronto
Sherbourne Health Centre, Inner City, St. Michael's Hospital Academic FHTs collaborated to provide care and support to the most vulnerable populations living in Downtown East Toronto.
2. Mental Health and Addictions Community Response Working Group of Hills of Headwaters OHT
Award Category: Community Response to COVID-19
Achievement: Taking Care of Mental Health During Covid 19 in Dufferin-Caledon
The Mental Health and Addictions Community Response Working Group of Hills of Headwaters OHT came together to support the mental health of frontline colleagues, especially at long-term care homes.
3. McMaster Family Health Team
Award Category: Community Response to COVID-19
Achievement: Creating COVID-19 Community Ward /COVID@Home Program
McMaster FHT created the COVID-19 Community Ward, a proactive approach to addressing COVID-19 cases within the community, which was adapted for use across the province, and then became known as COVID@Home.
4. Dilico Family Health Team & Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
Award Category: Small, Rural, and Northern teams that have taken care of their communities during COVID-19
Achievement: Supporting the Robinson Superior Treaty Area during COVID-19
Dilico Family Health Team & Dilico Anishinabek Family Care successfully reduced COVID-19 case numbers for local Indigenous communities in the Thunder Bay District Health Unit, which at one time had one of the highest case numbers per population in Ontario.
5. Heather Griffin, Central Brampton Family Health Team
Award Category: Reducing Unnecessary Care
Achievement: Quality Patient Navigation Support
Led by Heather Griffin, Central Brampton Family Health Team’s new mental health referral intake process has addressed a key team concern with wait times and re-referrals.
6. Couchiching Family Health Team
Award Category: Integrated care for older adults living with complex health conditions
Achievement: Integration of services for frail seniors in the Couchiching region
Couchiching Family Health Team partnered with Specialized Geriatric Services (SGS) at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health to provide a One Door for All seamless, accessible program for all frail seniors in their region.
Congratulations to all our winners and nominees! And to see all our nominees please visit the 2021 Hall of Fame.
The call for nominations for the 2022 Bright Light Awards will go out in June 2022. All AFHTO members are welcome and encouraged to participate.