AFHTO 2020 Conference: switching things up

In February AFHTO’s Membership Committee and Board approved our 2020 conference themes and program. In March we prepared to announce them and send a call for volunteers but as with everything else, the COVID-19 pandemic overtook our plans. Thank you for your patience as we monitored the situation and made decisions about how it might affect the 2020 Conference, set to take place this October in Toronto.

AFHTO partners with Ontario Psychological Association and others to improve access to psychological services for front lines during COVID-19

Ontario Psychological Association Partners with the Ontario College of Family Physicians, Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario and the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario to improve access to psychological services for front lines during COVID-19

Ontario Psychological Association News release

An Open Letter from AFHTO, NPAO and the OCFP on PPE in Primary Care During COVID-19

April 15, 2020

An open letter regarding PPE in Primary Care during COVID-19 was released today from the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO), Nurse Practitioners' Association of Ontario (NPAO) and the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP). On behalf of our members - who are caring for patients in communities across Ontario in the midst of COVID-19 - we are seeking urgent assistance from Ontario's Ministry of Health in ensuring access to appropriate PPE in order to safeguard patient access to primary care.

How Lakelands FHT Handled a Positive COVID-19 Result At Their Clinic

As told by Dr. Matt Dumas, Lead Physician, Lakelands FHT*

In late March, Lakelands FHT discovered that there was a positive case at our Northbrook site. That resulted in the immediate closure of our building. We all had to go home and finish 14 day periods of self-isolation. To our surprise, this meant having to distance ourselves from our own families, which was very difficult.

We’re on the move

AFHTO is on the move.

As of tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 23, AFHTO staff will be working offsite in preparation for a move to a new location.

We will each be checking our voicemail periodically but if the matter is urgent, please email the relevant staff member directly.

Further details including our new location will be announced by early February. We appreciate your patience as we transition to our new space. If you have any questions, please feel free to email
