January 8th Update on COVID-19 Vaccination Roll Out

Dear Members,

As you are aware, the COVID-19 response is changing rapidly.

As mentioned earlier this week, the Primary Care COVID-19 Vaccination Action Council* is very active in provincial advocacy efforts. We are meeting regularly with many partners including the Ontario Hospital Association, Public Health, Ontario Medical Association, Ministry of Health staff and Vaccine Task Force representatives.  

Considerations for Planning Curbside/Drive-Through Vaccination Clinics


Because of COVID-19, there has been a decrease in non-urgent, face-to-face, routine medical visits, including those for routine vaccinations. But unfortunately, postponing or canceling routine vaccinations for children and adults leaves individuals vulnerable to becoming infected with vaccine-preventable diseases and increases the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks. One way to ensure that people continue to receive needed vaccines is to set up a curbside or drive-through vaccination clinic.

This is CDC document, updated July 2020, lists Considerations for Planning Curbside/Drive-Through Vaccination Clinics.

How Lakelands FHT Handled a Positive COVID-19 Result At Their Clinic

As told by Dr. Matt Dumas, Lead Physician, Lakelands FHT*

In late March, Lakelands FHT discovered that there was a positive case at our Northbrook site. That resulted in the immediate closure of our building. We all had to go home and finish 14 day periods of self-isolation. To our surprise, this meant having to distance ourselves from our own families, which was very difficult.

Examining the Healthcare Experiences of Foreign-Born Older Canadians: Call for Participants

Examining the Healthcare Experiences of Foreign-Born Older Canadians: A Pilot Study – Call for Participants

Overview: Although foreign-born older adults (immigrant seniors) are at a higher risk for certain chronic diseases and negative health conditions, limited Canadian studies have examined healthcare experiences of foreign-born older adults (FBOAs), and few have developed or proposed practical solutions to support patient engagement, system navigation ,and care coordination.