Not sure if your team’s achievements merit recognition? Never submitted a nomination before? This webinar provides an overview of the AFHTO "Bright Lights" Awards nomination process. Specifically what reviewers are looking for and tips for writing a nomination.
Webinar slides
Video below
“FHTs and NPLCs are the engine of team-based innovation in primary care in Ontario and likely all of Canada.” – Dr. Sean Blaine, AFHTO President, at the Opening Plenary.
“Achieving the Triple Aim cannot happen without improved team experience.” – Both Dr. Ed Wagner at the opening plenary and
“Nothing about me without me.” At the close of the AFHTO 2014 Conference, Dr Tia Pham, lead physician at the South East Toronto FHT, reminded the audience of these famous words on patient partnership from Don Berwick, founder of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.“It’s the patient’s
Theme Description: Patients and caregivers are increasingly looking to be engaged and consulted in their own care. Primary care is finding innovative ways to support patient decision-making about their care and support for self-care. Presentations in this stream will include topics such as
Close to 900 people took part in the AFHTO 2013 Conference – Leadership in Healthcare for Ontarians. This theme ran through the conference from Lance Secretan’s inspiring opening to the closing panel debate -- “Be it resolved that health system transformation must be led by Primary Care.’”
From André Picard’s opening prescription for our health system – i.e. make a modernized and expanded primary care system the focus – through to the closing panel discussion on “The value of family health teams – What do we know today? How do we build from here?” over 800 people took part in
What an amazing experience this morning, October 26, to be in one room with over 500 people from 146 FHTs across Ontario, listening to the newly re-elected and re-appointed Minister of Health expressing her appreciation and support for family health teams. This AFHTO 2011 Conference marks a huge