
Aug. 24 Update on COVID Vaccines and Resources

Dear Members,

Like many of you we share the collective disbelief that we are in Wave 4 of the pandemic, with numbers increasing daily and back to school being just around the corner. We know how tired you are but despite that exhaustion, you are and have always been there for your patients and community.

Thank you again for all you do day in and day out, especially during these unprecedented and challenging times. Please find below some additional resources and supports you may find helpful.

AFHTO Bright Lights Awards - nominations now open! Only until August 27

Shine a light on your team’s achievements. Nominate an outstanding team or individual for a “Bright Lights” Award by August 27, 2021.

AFHTO’s “Bright Lights” Awards recognize AFHTO members’ leadership, outstanding work and the significant progress being made to improve the value interprofessional primary care teams across Ontario deliver.

There’s no better time to show what you can do. Select award recipients will receive an education grant.

“Bright Lights” Award recipients are: