
Akausivik Inuit FHT “a model of patient-centred care”

Feb. 17 - Nunatsiaq News interviewed Akausivik’s executive director, Connie Siedule on the team’s significance for the Inuit community and its recent independence from the Tungasuvvingat Inuit community health centre. The only Inuit FHT in Ontario, they address the often complex needs of their patients (in Inuktitut if needed or desired), diverting them from emergency care where most Inuit patients would go before they opened.


Barrie and Community FHT going forward with MVP Clinic

Feb. 17 – Provincial funding for Barrie and Community FHT’s pilot project, Most Valuable Player (MVP) Clinic was announced last Thursday. The clinic gives priority to unattached medically complex patients. Each patient (the MVP) is supported through a process that provides an example for interprofessional collaboration. Click here for the Barrie Examiner article.


Improving access to EMR data – a success story

Feb. 5 - Almost overnight, 51 AFHTO members have taken up a new tool to extract data from any custom forms in PS Suite EMR, something that was not possible for teams to do previously. The tool emerged from the Innovation project developed by the East Wellington FHT and has spread like wildfire via Quality Improvement Decision Support Specialists (QIDSS) in family health teams. As a result, Dr.


Physical activity as medicine: Centre for Family Medicine FHT and University of Waterloo publish findings

Feb. 4- Researchers at the Centre for Family Medicine FHT conducted an environmental scan of 102 FHTs with the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo to gain a better understanding of the current use of physical activity as medicine among Ontario’s FHTs. Their findings were published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. Click here for further details.


St. Michael’s Hospital Academic FHT partners with Toronto Public Library on literacy program

Feb. 3 – Global News profiled “Reach Out and Read”, a literacy program launched by St. Michael’s Hospital Academic FHT in partnership with the Toronto Public Library. The initiative aims to start children reading earlier in life to aid in their physical and mental development. Click here to see the video.

South East Toronto FHT partners with community to open pregnancy clinic

Feb. 3 – Premier Kathleen Wynne helped open a new pregnancy clinic in Thorncliffe Park, an initiative driven by South East Toronto FHT and their partners. The neighbourhood has the highest birth rate and highest proportion of children under age 14 in Toronto. Partners include The Midwives Clinic of East York — Don Mills, Toronto East General Hospital, Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Flemingdon Community Health Centre and South Riverdale Community Health Centre.


Register for Effective Governance for Quality in Primary Care Workshop in March 2015

The Governance for Quality in Primary Care workshops are now accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Ontario Chapter for up to 5 Mainpro-M1 credits. Register for one of these workshops: Workshop #1:
  • Wednesday March 25th from 10:30 to 4:30pm – Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Toronto International Airport (Skywalk connects the hotel to Terminal 3)
Click here to

Cancer screening resources for family health teams and for newcomers to Canada

AFHTO is making the information below available to all AFHTO members on behalf of Cancer Care Ontario: