AFHTO 2019 Conference: addressing the Premier’s Council recommendations

Premier's council recommendations


The Premier’s Council on Improving Healthcare and Ending Hallway Medicine released its second interim report yesterday. "A Healthy Ontario: Building a Sustainable Health Care System" contains ten policy recommendations from the council to the government, intended to help the government stay on track as it works to improve the health care system.

The third recommendation?

“Support patients and providers at every step of a health care journey by ensuring effective primary care is the foundation of an integrated health care system.”



The AFHTO 2019 Conference, “Health System Integration Built on the Foundation of Team-Based Primary Health Care”, addresses this and other recommendations with a focus on the patient medical home, exploring themes like:

  1. Access to care: improving access to team-based care
  2. Continuous care: ensuring seamless transitions for patients across the continuum of care
  3. Comprehensive team-based care
  4. Patient and family-centred care
  5. Community and social accountability
  6. Enabling high -performing primary health care



Dr. Rueben Devlin, Special Advisor and Chair of the Premier's Council on Improving Health Care and Ending Hallway Medicine as Closing Plenary speaker


Conference Highlights:


Patients and students welcome! For general information, you can visit our conference page.  

We look forward to seeing you at the AFHTO 2019 Conference!