Aug. 24 Update on COVID Vaccines and Resources

Dear Members,

Like many of you we share the collective disbelief that we are in Wave 4 of the pandemic, with numbers increasing daily and back to school being just around the corner. We know how tired you are but despite that exhaustion, you are and have always been there for your patients and community.

Thank you again for all you do day in and day out, especially during these unprecedented and challenging times. Please find below some additional resources and supports you may find helpful.

Pause of first doses of AstraZeneca/COVIDSHIELD Update

In This Issue:

  • Pause of first doses of AstraZeneca/COVIDSHIELD Update
  • mRNA Vaccines in Primary Care
  • Ontario Matching Portal
  • COVID-19 vaccination clinic workflow and mass upload tips & tricks
  • Community of Practice: Primary Care Participation
  • COVID@Home
  • A Big Thank You!

Dear Members,

Moderna Community Vaccination Clinics: KFLA Lessons Learned


KFLA Public Health, March 2021

This resource contains lessons learned and helpful advice from three Moderna community pilot vaccination clinics in the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington (KFLA) region. The goal is to share information to primary care providers starting a Moderna community vaccination clinic.

Attached are preliminary learnings from Moderna in primary care partnered clinics and support documents.

Clinics involved:
The three vaccination clinics included for the preparation of this document were Wolfe Island, Lakelands Family Health Team and Sharbot Lake Family Health Team. Of the clinics, two were sit-down vaccination sites while one was a drive thru clinic. For the sit-down clinic sites, one was held at a local fire hall while the other was at a Lions Club hall. The drive through clinic was held at a central location with sufficient parking to accommodate the post vaccination observational period.

General Advice:

  • Vaccination clinics can foster community support and togetherness. Our clinics displayed great partnership between family health teams, paramedics, fire halls, Lions Club members, public health teams and other community partners.
  • While immunization teams should strive for optimum pre-clinic preparation, unexpected delays may still occur due to unforeseen circumstances. Continue to work towards more efficient preparation and teamwork when difficulties arise.
  • Having a staff back up and training plan, in the event that a staff member cannot attend due to illness etc., may be helpful for ensuring adequate clinic staffing.
  • Having a clinic lead person is key. This is one person to oversee the clinic and help with organization. It is not ideal for that person to be involved in vaccine prep or other tasks, as they will be interrupted frequently.