Primary Care Lung Cancer Screening Collaborative

Thu, May 01, 2025 - Mon, November 03, 2025
Starting May 2025

Hosted by Praxus Health and HIG

This certified program will train clinic staff in quality improvement (QI) principles and provide coaching support over a 6-month period to implement team-based cancer screening and prevention improvements in primary care practices with a specific clinical focus on implementing Lung Cancer Screening Improvements.

What You'll Learn:

Quality Improvement 

  • Understand and apply the Sequence to Achieve Change and the Model for Improvement.
  • Understand and apply the appropriate use of QI tools, methods, and approaches to cancer screening and prevention.
  • Understand and apply methods that lead to the spread and scale of improvements using the principles of diffusion of innovation. 

The Role of the Facilitator 

  • Build relationships with teams to identify and address practice needs.
  • Utilize facilitation skills to engage all practice team members to advance practice goals.
  • Learn advanced skills for the ‘Art and Science’ of facilitation; coaching, project management, cognitive task analysis, etc.

System Context

  • Understand internal and external health systems and practice specific contexts including infrastructure, environment, facility, roles and responsibilities, restrictions, and policies.
  • Recommend and facilitate context-specific change ideas.
  • Leverage the strengths of the local interdisciplinary team.
  • Develop relationships with site champions and influencers to support change

High-Impact Changes

  • Implement high-impact changes to promote cancer screening and prevention processes.
  • Convert evidence-based key clinical practice changes for priority topics into practical processes that can be spread Identify and promote the conditions and behaviours that lead to a high-performing team. 

Information for Action 

  • Gather, review, and guide interpretation of data sources, e.g., panel, regional, provincial reports.
  • Optimize use of the electronic medical record (EMR) to standardize data entry and extraction, set up dashboards for process and outcome measures.
  • Supplement quantitative data with qualitative data from stories, surveys, case studies etc. 

Leadership Coaching 

  • Strategically align practice objectives with broader organizational priorities.
  • Exert influence and leverage physician and nurse practitioner champions and leaders to engage and motivate team members.
  • Link to regional program management key strategies and targets.

This free training program has been certified by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and is being delivered by experts in primary care quality improvement. Financial support available.

Training Start Dates:

We are currently recruiting practice facilitators/teams for a 6-month pilot program, starting in May 2025.

Learn more at this link here