Virtual Job Fairs with Vancouver Coastal Health
Hosted by Vancouver Coastal Health
Vancouver Community
Vancouver Community
Ontario’s 4 million caregivers matter.
When they’re supported, they provide better care, improving health outcomes for patients.
But more caregivers are struggling to get by, with almost three in four reporting that they don’t know how to go on.
That’s why the Ontario Caregiver Organization designed a webinar specifically for primary care teams to improve patient care by supporting caregivers.
CAN-PCC Invites those interested to some events and opportunities coming. This month, we have three upcoming webinars featuring members of the CAN-PCC Collaborative! These webinars are an excellent opportunity to learn more about the project, patient involvement, and the Post COVID-19 Condition recommendations across different guideline topics.
📌 CAN-PCC: Neurological and Psychiatric Topics
We are pleased to invite the FHT network to an upcoming session, “Managing Dementia-Related Behaviours in Primary Care: The VBM Approach”, presented by Dr. Morris Freedman. This session is designed for physicians and nurse practitioners working in primary care and will provide valuable insights into optimizing the management of complex dementia-related behaviours through expert consultation and tailored interventions.
This certified program will train clinic staff in quality improvement (QI) principles and provide coaching support over a 6-month period to implement team-based cancer screening and prevention improvements in primary care practices with a specific clinical focus on implementing Lung Cancer Screening Improvements.
Quality Improvement
About us
Advance your quality improvement learning with the Department of Family and Community Medicine's free self-learning series designed to provide primary care clinicians with the knowledge and skills to lead QI work in their practice. This engaging program covers nine comprehensive e-modules on key topics like the Model for Improvement, patient engagement, equity, patient safety, and more.
Why complete the modules?
Course Overview:
The development of this series was funded by the Ontario HIV Treatment Network
Session 1: HIV and STI Risk (Nov. 8 at 12:00PM)
With Dr. Charlie Guiang & Dr. Gord Arbess
We are holding our 2024 Northwestern Ontario Palliative Care Conference on October 2nd at the Superior Inn in Thunder Bay. This one-day conference will also be available virtually for anyone who cannot make the journey to our city. We also offer virtual group rates should you wish to host a hub viewing for your team!
Food as Medicine Update 2024 – Nutrition from Womb to Tomb: Healthy Beginnings to Vibrant Endings