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There are now 297 organizations across Ontario that provide primary health care services in interprofessional team-based care (187 Family Health Teams (FHTs), 75 Community Health Centres (CHCs), 25 Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics (NPLCs), and 10 Aboriginal Health Access Centres (AHACs)). Over 3.5 million Ontarians — that’s one in four — are enrolled as patients in these teams.

The following list is provided for reference and not an endorsement from the association.

Teams with a * are a member of AFHTO

You can search below, or view the full list A-Z or by Region 

Organization Type Street Address Municipality Phone Number
North Channel Nurse Practitioner–Led Clinic NPLC 135 Dawson St. Thessalon 705-842-9898
North Dumfries CHC 2958 Greenfield Road Ayr 519-632-1229
North Dumfries Site 53 Hilltop Drive Ayr 519-632-1229
North Durham Family Health Team* FHT 462 Paxton St. Port Parry 905-985-2895
North Lambton Community Health Centre 3-59 King Street West Forest 519-786-4545
North Muskoka Practitioner- Led Clinic NPLC 5 Centre Street North Huntsville 705-224-6752
North Peel Family Health Team* FHT 157 Queen Street East # 204 Brampton 905-459-2181
North Renfrew Family Health Team* FHT 117 Banting Dr. Deep River 613-584-1037
North Shore Family Health Team* FHT 415 Scotia Street Schreiber 807-824-2934
North Simcoe Family Health Team* FHT 952 Jones Road Suite A Midland 705-526-7804