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There are now 297 organizations across Ontario that provide primary health care services in interprofessional team-based care (187 Family Health Teams (FHTs), 75 Community Health Centres (CHCs), 25 Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics (NPLCs), and 10 Aboriginal Health Access Centres (AHACs)). Over 3.5 million Ontarians — that’s one in four — are enrolled as patients in these teams.

The following list is provided for reference and not an endorsement from the association.

Teams with a * are a member of AFHTO

You can search below, or view the full list A-Z or by Region 

Organization Type Street Address Municipality Phone Number
Niagara Falls Community Health Centre 4790 Victoria Avenue Niagara Falls 905- 356-4222
Niagara Medical Group Family Health Team* FHT 4421 Queen St. Niagara Falls 905-356-2236
Niagara North Family Health Team* FHT 7-145 Carlton St. St. Catherines 905-988-9617
Nipigon District Family Health Team* FHT 123 Hogan Road Nipigon 807-887-5252
Noojmowin Teg Health Centre 48 Hillside Road Hwy 540, Postal Bag 2002 Little Current, 705-368-2182
NORD-ASKI Family Health Team* FHT 1403 Edward St. Hearst 705-362-5544
Norfolk Family Health Team FHT 185 Robinson St, Suite 101 Simcoe 519-582-2323
North Bay Indigenous Hub 1040 Brookes Street North Bay 705-995-0060
North Bay Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic NPLC 1-524 Lakeshore Drive, North Bay 705-478-7671
North Channel NPLC NPLC 135 Dawson Street Thessalon 705-842-9898