AFHTO 2018 Conference: ONE WEEK LEFT to submit your abstract. Your insight & experience are needed now more than ever.
“Relationship Design with Starfield in Mind”The Ontario election is fast approaching, and we may see significant changes in health care over the next four years. |
QI Enablers Study
QI Enablers Study
April 26, 2018 Seven iterations of D2D data show that some teams tend to improve more over time compared to others. AFHTO members want to know what some of the “tricks of the improvement trade” are so they can try them out in their own teams. This QI enablers study is aimed at learning more about what makes it easier or harder to improve so that all teams can take advantage of the wisdom from the field.
QI Enablers Study
QI Enablers Study
April 26, 2018
Seven iterations of D2D data show that some teams tend to improve more over time compared to others. AFHTO members want to know what some of the “tricks of the improvement trade” are so they can try them out in their own teams. This QI enablers study is aimed at learning more about what makes it easier or harder to improve so that all teams can take advantage of the wisdom from the field.
AFHTO 2018 Conference: we want you (yes, YOU) to submit your abstract
“Relationship Design with Starfield in Mind”Are you:
2018 Ontario Budget – A Plan for Care and Opportunity
2018 Ontario Budget – A Plan for Care and Opportunity An overview of the Ontario government budget
Overview Today the Liberal government released their 2018 Ontario Budget entitled “A Plan for Care and Opportunity”.
The Emerging Role of Social Work in Primary Health Care: Study
The Emerging Role of Social Work in Primary Health Care: A Survey of Social Workers in Ontario Family Health Teams
Article published in Health & Social Work (February 2018)
ARTIC 2018 Call for Proposals
Announcing 2018 Call for Proposals ARTIC Implementation and Spread Funding
D2D 5.1: Getting Started and Changing Gears
AFHTO members have just released the 7th iteration of their performance measurement report, Data to Decisions 5.1. Voluntary participation in team-level measurement remains high. 90% of members have contributed so far, with over 60% in D2D 5.1. This makes D2D 5.1 a unique picture of primary care across the province, at the LHIN level, and (for the second time) at the sub-region level.