F6 - Primary Care Health Link Coordination / System Navigation Experiences
Theme 6. The future of the regional approach to healthcare
F5 - Integrating Advance Care Planning into Primary Care Teams
Theme 5. Why hasn’t this expanded: scalable pilot programs
F4-b - 21 Questions Healthcare Boards Should Be Asking About Risk
Theme 4. The “How to” stream
F4-a - How to OutFIT Your Practice and Patients: the fecal immunochemical test
Theme 4. The “How to” stream
F2 - Developing an integrated care plan through collaborative relationships
Theme 2. Healthy relationships, healthy teams
F1 - BounceBack: Free CBT skill-building program effective for adults and youth 15+ with mild to moderate depression and anxiety
Theme 1. Mental health and addictions
D5 - Did you know a malnourished senior is 73% more likely to fall than a well nourished senior?
Theme 5. Why hasn’t this expanded: scalable pilot programs