Gain your biggest audience ever: submit a "Bright Lights" nomination!

Nominate your team, partnership or colleague for a Bright Lights Award and gain your biggest audience ever.

The AFHTO 2018 Conference Awards ceremony will be held at lunchtime on October 24, 2018. This means it’s open to all attendees at the AFHTO 2018 Conference. That’s an audience about three times larger than past awards dinners.  

Past winners have also:

  • Received media coverage
  • Been presented as shining examples with local and provincial political leaders
  • Been profiled in Health Quality Ontario’s Quorum and social media, with 3,775 views total on Quorum alone
It’s also an opportunity to raise your profile even if you don’t win. Nominations are some of the best resources we use to publicise your work with external stakeholders and the public at large. Bright Lights tweet

You can:

  • Nominate your own team –you should be proud of your own work.
  • Apply even if you didn’t send in an #AFHTO2018 abstract.
  • Nominate your initiative if you’re not an AFHTO member but work in partnership with one.
For more information regarding eligibility please visit our site. Not sure if your team’s achievements merit recognition? Never submitted a nomination before?  You can watch this webinar or view the slides for an overview of what reviewers are looking for and tips for writing a nomination. Small, rural and Northern teams are especially welcome. And don’t forget- some award recipients will receive an education grant valued at $2,500. There will also be special recognition for underrepresented teams. You could win an award for your contributions to Ontario’s healthcare system. The winner(s) will be selected based on the strength of their nomination to one of the six categories.

Shine a light on your team - Make a nomination by July 20, 2018:

For more information, you can visit the Bright Lights webpage. We look forward to seeing your nominations and recognizing ALL the excellent work being done!

