C4 - Organizing the Community around the Patient – Rural and Remote Regions of Ontario

Theme 4. Building the rural health care team: making the most of available resources

Presentation Materials (members only)

Presentation Slides: Rural Health Hubs Framework for Ontario


Rural communities face unique challenges in delivering high-quality care due to lack of critical mass and economies of scale. Some communities have worked hard to overcome these challenges through innovative local solutions and are well-positioned to continue to improve access to care as part of health system transformation. Rural health hubs and improved health and social service integration are important to all local providers, including physicians in rural and remote practice. Therefore, the OHA and the OMA agreed to establish a Multi-Sector Rural Health Hub Advisory Committee with broad stakeholder representation to develop a framework for implementation of rural health hubs in Ontario. By the end of the presentation we want to hear from the audience what aspects of the Rural Health Hub model could work in your community? Is there anything like this already? What are the issues, barriers and/or opportunities where you are?


  • Randy Belair, Executive Director, Sunset Country FHT
  • Dr. Adam Steacie, Physician, Upper Canada FHT

Learning Objectives

By the end of the presentation, participants will:

  1. Review the rural health hub framework and the context for its creation
  2. Identify existing health hubs and pilot projects – what makes them work? What are the elements of community partnership that are relevant for primary care across Ontario
  3. Discuss issues and opportunities for implementation in primary care