5. Addressing social determinants of health
- Release date: Friday, October 9, 2020
Chat with the presenters at the conference! Chat session for this presentation will be available on Friday, Oct. 9, 12:00 noon- 12:30 at the AFHTO 2020 Conference.
- Style: On demand- webcast
- Focus: Practical (e.g. Presentation on how to implement programs and/or practices in the team environment)
- Target Audience: Clinical providers
Learning Objectives
Participants will explore knowledge of culturally humble & safe LGBTQI2S healthcare through demonstration of a virtual simulation game and educational toolkit. Participants will be able to implement these strategies into their primary care practice to improve access to culturally humble and safe care for LGBTQI2S clients.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Nursing (www.soginursing.ca) is an open-access, innovated online educational toolkit and interactive virtual simulation games created by nurses for healthcare practitioners caring for LGBTQI2S individuals. These games use live actors, first person filming, and choose your own adventure style skills testing to provide healthcare practitioners point-of-view simulated clinical interactions with LGBTQI2S clients. The background, methodology, ethics, and cultural humility underpinnings will be explored with the goal of educating practitioners in creating safe, welcoming spaces for clients. Examples of the games and educational resources will be demonstrated This toolkit can be used for individual or team professional development with the aim of creating safe spaces for LGBTQI2S clients to access healthcare services in Ontario.
- Erin Ziegler, NP-PHC,PhD, Wise Elephant FHT and Ryeron University
- Benjamin Carroll, RN, MN, PhD Student, Queens University
- Marian Luctkar-Flude, RN, PhD - Queen's University
- Jane Tyerman, RN, PhD - University of Ottawa
- Chris Shortall, MSc, Rainbow Health Consulting
- Lillian Chumbley, Trent University