Board of Directors- Centre of Arthritis Excellence (CArE) (Newmarket)

Organization Name
Centre of Arthritis Excellence (CArE) (Newmarket)
Board of Directors

108 - 465 Davis Drive
Newmarket ON L3Y 7T9

The Centre of Arthritis Excellence (CArE) is currently seeking Community volunteers to serve on our Board of Directors. 

Ministry of Health approved CArE for funding in 2021 to implement a community chronic disease program for people with arthritis and related conditions. CArE stands alone in Ontario as a designated specialty clinic, with a model of care to improve access and offer exceptional care to people with arthritis. 

Our Mission: 

  • Improving the lives of people living with arthritis through compassion, innovation, and leadership within the health care system. 

Our Vision: 

  • Clinical excellence in our community. 
  • Leader in patient education, health practitioner education. 
  • Commitment in clinical research and innovation. 

The ideal candidates are committed to the health of the community and the mission and vision of CArE, have demonstrated leadership in their profession and/or the local community, and currently reside and/or work in the region. Candidates with human resource and legal expertise are preferred. Applicants should have experience on a corporate or non-profit Board of Directors with an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a Governance Board and the willingness to commit time and energy to participate in up to 10 meetings a year (Virtual and In person). 

This is a three (3) year volunteer appointment with the possibility of renewal. There is no remuneration, and these positions are not open to CArE members/staff or their immediate families. 


How to Apply

If you are interested in serving on the Board of this dynamic health care organization, please complete the application form in the link provides below.

In addition, we request that interested applicants send an updated resume to: 
Annette Marcuzzi, 
Chair, Nominating Committee, Centre of Arthritis Excellence

For questions regarding the CArE Board of Directors, please contact: 
Dr. Carter Thorne,
Chair, CArE Board of Director