2024 On Demand Sessions

Our presentations are organized into four themes. To help you plan your conference schedule, we have arranged the sessions by date, concurrent session, time, theme, and title.


Concurrent and on demand session presentations were chosen by working groups consisting of AFHTO members across Ontario, representing the full breadth of professions within collaborative primary care. Submissions were chosen for reflecting the conference theme, usefulness/applicability to interprofessional primary care teams, innovativeness, evidence of impact, and clear learning objectives.

On-Demand Sessions

The sessions listed on this page are pre-recorded and will be released on the date and time listed for you to watch at your perusal anytime during the conference, and after the conference for a limited time as well. For concurrent sessions visit here.

Release DateThemeTitle
2024-10-24Theme 1OD1 - Scope of Nursing in Primary Care Offices- The Handguide
2024-10-24Theme 1OD2 - How To Use Team-Based Care And Personalized Tech To Help Patients With Chronic Conditions Successfully Cope And Self-Manage At Home