D2D 5.1: Getting Started and Changing Gears

AFHTO members have just released the 7th iteration of their performance measurement report, Data to Decisions 5.1. Voluntary participation in team-level measurement remains high. 90% of members have contributed so far, with over 60% in D2D 5.1. This makes D2D 5.1 a unique picture of primary care across the province, at the LHIN level, and (for the second time) at the sub-region level.

City of Lakes FHT Receives Community Builders Award

On Mar. 1, 2018 City of Lakes FHT was recognized for its contribution to healthcare at Northern Life’s 15th annual Community Builders Awards of Excellence. The award came soon after the team celebrated its 10th anniversary. “What’s happened in the last 10 years, not just locally but across the province, there’s been a transformation,” says Dave Courtemanche, the team’s ED.
