EOI Funding announcement: $110 million investment to expand and enhance access to team-based primary care
After almost a year of advocacy on funding to expand and enhance access to team-based primary care, AFHTO's advocacy efforts have proven successful as the Ontario government announces a $110 million investment in primary care, aiming to connect up to 328,000 individuals to healthcare teams.
AFHTO’s 2024 Pre-Budget Submission
Dear AFHTO Members,
On behalf of the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario, I would like to share our 2024 prebudget submission with you.
Upper Grand Family Health Team and CW Food Bank Partner to Provide ‘Food Hub’ in Fergus
The Grand 101 published an article on January 26, 2024
By Riley Gillespie-Wilson
FERGUS – Located just off Beatty Line at the Trailside Medical Centre, a new food hub is offering those experiencing food insecurity more accessibility.
The hub is a partnership between the Upper Grand Family Health Team and the Centre Wellington Food Bank.
Marathon Family Health Team introduces new app
SN News Watch published an article on January 17, 2024
By Austin Campbell
MARATHON — Snapping pictures of your meals is no longer just about social media clout but could actually improve your health, particularly if you live in or around Marathon.
The Marathon Family Health Team recently announced the launch of RxFood, a nutrition app for use by patients and practitioners in their catchment area.
Hamilton FHT creates Patient Relations Program to elevate Patients' voice
The Hamilton Spectator published an article on December 23, 2023
By Joanna Frketich
Over 300,000 Hamiltonians now have somewhere to turn for help after Ontario’s largest family health team added a patient relations program to fill a key gap in primary care.
OCFP recognises AFHTO members at 2023 Awards Ceremony
AFHTO congratulates physicians in our member family health teams who were recognized on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, at the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP) 2023 Awards Ceremony.
Congratulations to all those recognized this year:
Regional Family Physicians of the Year
Temagami FHT offers IV iron infusion in small rural Northern Ontario community
The Temiskaming Speaker published an article on October 11, 2023
By Sue Nielsen
The Temagami Family Health Team has announced it is now offering a new medical service to its patients.
Hamilton Family Health Team says Hamilton Needs 60 more Family Doctors
CBC News published an article on October 17, 2023
By Bobby Hristova
Hamilton Family Health Team and others seeking $22M grant to expand health care in Hamilton and nearby areas.
Hamilton needs 60 more family doctors to ensure everyone in the city has one, according to the Hamilton Family Health Team (HFHT).