AFHTO 2011 Conference: The value continues …
What an amazing experience this morning, October 26, to be in one room with over 500 people from 146 FHTs across Ontario, listening to the newly re-elected and re-appointed Minister of Health expressing her appreciation and support for family health teams.
Motivational Interviewing
2011 AFHTO conference presentation PRESENTER (S): Jessica Kelly, Registered Dietitian FHT/ORG: Stratford Family Health Team ABSTRACT: For Registered Dietitians and other health care professionals, facilitating positive lifestyle and behavioral change is a major part of one’s job, especially when it comes to chronic disease management. While it can be rewarding, it often proves to be quite challenging at times. One way to facilitate behavior change that seems to be slowly emerging in not only the literature but i
The Enhanced 18-month Well-Baby Visit
2011 AFHTO conference presentation PRESENTER (S): Dr. Jean Clinton; Dr.
Emergency Department Visits
2011 AFHTO conference presentation PRESENTER (S): Kirk Miller, Business Services Manager FHT/ORG: Guelph FHT ABSTRACT: Emergency departments see rostered patients for non-urgent care every day. Using acute care resources to process non-urgent visits is costly and impedes access for patients requiring urgent care. The WWLHIN has targeted a 10% reduction in CTAS 4 and 5 for hospitals in the region.
Occupational Therapy in Family Health Teams
2011 AFHTO conference presentation PRESENTER (S): Laura Turner, OT, Project Coordinator; Shellie Buckley, RN, Project Coordinator FHT/ORG: Stratford FHT ABSTRACT: Working in primary care on a Family Health Team is a new and emerging practice area for occupational therapists. Sharing common values of health promotion and wellness, occupational therapists and FHTs utilize varied models of service delivery to best address patient needs.
Effectiveness of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
2011 AFHTO conference presentation PRESENTER (S): Lori Letts; Julie Richardson FHT/ORG: School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University ABSTRACT: This presentation will share findings from two research projects that evaluated the contributions rehabilitation professionals make with patients with chronic diseases in primary care.
Teen Drop-in Program
2011 AFHTO conference presentation PRESENTER (S): Janet Obre, RN (EC), BScN, PHCNP; Kate Jasper, B.A., M.Sc., Mental Health Counselllor FHT/ORG: STAR FHT ABSTRACT: The "Teen Health Check In" Clinic was developed to increase accessibility to mental and physical health care for youth in our practice community. The goal of the clinic is to provide information and supports that promote prevention, early identification and intervention for common mental and physical health concerns in a format that fits for teens.
Reducing Depression Symptoms & Instilling Hope
2011 AFHTO conference presentation PRESENTER (S): Kimberly Vaughan, MSW RSW; Elizabeth Smith, RN (EC), MN PHC Nurse Practitioner FHT/ORG: Thames Valley FHT- Old South Site ABSTRACT: Adapted from the Antidepressant Skills Workbook (Dan Bilsker PhD/Randy Paterson PhD), this program for individuals with mild/moderate depression is short, structured, and focused on getting activated. An antidepressant toolkit encourages SMART goals and small steps towards success.
Collaboration In Action – Family Health Teams, Children’s Aid, and Public Health Working Together To Support Families
2011 AFHTO conference presentation PRESENTER (S): Brenda Mills, Coordinator, Child & Youth Mental Health Initiative; Jaclyn Busser, BScN, RN, CCHN(C) Public Health Nurse City of Hamilton & Hamilton FHT FHT/ORG: Hamilton Family Health Team ABSTRACT: The Hamilton Family Health Team (HFHT) has embarked on two key partnerships to improve patient care. This presentation will discuss the unique relationships between the HFHT and the Children’s Aids Societies, and the HFHT and Public Health Services.
The Interprofessional Team Case Conference
2011 AFHTO conference presentation PRESENTER (S): Difat Jakubovicz, MSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP; Ian Waters MSW RSW; Azadeh Moaveni, MD CCFP, Gita Lakhanpal, MES, OT Reg (Ont) FHT/ORG: Toronto Western Hospital Learning Objectives Participants will be able to: a) Understand key components of an Interprofessional Team Case Conference (IPCC) b) Appreciate how IPCCs can help health care professionals become a patient centered collaborative practice team c) Discuss oppor