HOSTED BY AFHTO & Canadian mental health association ontario
Uncertainty and unpredictability have been constants throughout the duration of the pandemic as has the need to navigate transitions. In this webinar, participants will have the opportunity to gain insight into change processes and their impact on workplace mental health. Strategies for managing hybrid working models and combating stress will also be explored.
Learning outcomes:
• Examine the process of transitions and its impact on workplace mental health
• Learn strategies for exercising work-life balance when engaging in remote/hybrid work
• Learn principles for positive mental health and what individuals can do to deal with uncertainty
- Nancy Hood MSW RSW: Nancy is the Head Trainer of the Your Health Space program. She is a registered Social Worker and Certified Psychological Health and Safety Advisor. Over the last 15 years, she has worked to create and deliver programs to support Ontarians living with mental illness and has dedicated her career to raising awareness about mental health while engaging Ontarians to advocate for improved services as a unified group with a strong and valid voice. Nancy’s Bio would not be complete without introducing her guide dog Neesa, a beautiful red-headed golden who has been at Nancy’s side for the last six years doing what she loves best – guiding and making people smile!
When: Thursday, September 15, 2022 (12:00-1:00 PM EDT)
Balance Worksheet: Click here
Menti Word Clouds: Click here
For more information about the Your Health Space Program, click here.
This webinar was not recorded.