Enabling high quality care

Malnutrition in Primary Care: Sum Zero Webinar Slidedeck - Sept 20, 2021
Dear Members, Like many of you we share the collective disbelief that we are in Wave 4 of the pandemic, with numbers increasing daily and back to school being just around the corner. We know how tired you are but despite that exhaustion, you are and have always been there for your patients and
created by Ontario health (cancer care ontario) Resuming Cancer Screening During COVID-19 - One Pager
Please join to learn more about the new COVaxON Aggregate Primary Care Vaccination Report, as helpful strategies are discussed for accessing the reports and using the information to reach out to patients to understand their needs and discuss the benefits of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
Originally posted April 8, 2020. Last updated July 27, 2021. Resources related to COVID-19 to provide comprehensive primary care are listed below. This list will be updated as more resources become available. Jump to Providing Care topics Arthritis
Access your COVaxON Aggregate Primary Care Vaccination Report Memo (Ontario Health) - July 15, 2021 
Delirium is a preventable harm for your older patients which can lead to functional decline and death. Do you have reliable and consistent processes across your organization to prevent or manage it?   Regardless of your type or size of organization, or where you’re starting from (getting
Hosted by AFHTO & Queens FHT In this webinar Cynthia and Erin will review the first line treatment for chronic insomnia and describe its components.  They will also explore how to set up and run a virtual group program in a multidisciplinary team setting.   Additionally, attendees
Prevention Care Letter Template for Patients - Telus PS  Prevention Care Stamp - Telus PS