Central Lambton FHT Empowers Locals with Lung Health Education Program

The Petrolia Topic article published August 22, 2017. Article in full pasted below. Melissa Shilz, Postmedia Network Hot summer months can spell trouble for those suffering from breathing difficulties, and the Central Lambton Family Health Team wanted to do something to help. They began their monthly Lung Health Education Program in July.


Kawartha North FHT Awarded Ontario Trillium Grant

Congratulations to Kawartha North FHT for earning an Ontario Trillium Grant over an 11-month period (August 2017 to July 2018) to build inclusive and engaged communities in the City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County that tackle poverty reduction. This work continues the efforts of a joint Poverty Reduction Strategy Action Plan supported by the City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County in 2012.


Niagara North FHT Physician Shares Learnings and Legacies of Canadian Palliative Care

St. Catharines Standard article published July 28, 2017. Article in full pasted below. Cheryl Clock, St. Catharines Standard It was some 30 years ago that Dr. Brian Kerley, then a new family doctor in St. Catharines, started working shifts in the emergency department at the old Hotel Dieu Hospital on Ontario Street.


AFHTO "Bright Lights" Awards - nominations now open!

Calling all AFHTO Members to shine a light on your team’s accomplishments. Nominate an outstanding team or individual for a “Bright Lights” Award by July 26, 2017.

The “Bright Lights” Awards recognize leadership, outstanding work and significant progress being made to improve the value delivered by interprofessional primary care teams across Ontario. Select award recipients will receive an education grant valued at $3,000. “Bright Lights” Award recipients are:
