Report: Changes needed to improve retention, services and access to dietitians in Ontario's primary health care

On November 25, Dietitians of Canada released the Dietitian Workforce in Ontario Primary Health Care Survey Report. Over four hundred dietitians working in FHTs, NPLCs, CHCs and FHOs were surveyed in spring 2015 to describe the current workforce and roles of the dietitian, and to identify factors supporting the integration of their roles into the healthcare system. Patient access to nutrition care, challenges working to full potential and high turnover all arose as key issues.

Health Quality Ontario’s releases 2015 Measuring Up Report

Health Quality Ontario (HQO) has released its yearly report on Ontario’s health system, Measuring Up. Based on the Common Quality Agenda, the report presents a profile of Ontarians’ health, the performance of our health system and a comparison with the rest of Canada and other countries. As such, we encourage members to review it.

Auditor General’s Report: Hard look needed to improve CCAC service delivery model

In a news release announcing a Special Report on CCACs, the Auditor General of Ontario stated, “The Ontario government needs to take a hard look at how the province’s Community Care Access Centres (CCACs), along with their third-party service providers, deliver home- and community-based health care and related support services to patients outside hospital settings.” Effective care coordination is best led by a person’s primary care team throughout his or h