Elliot Lake FHT Continues to support Delivery service for seniors

The Sudbury Star article published December 22, 2020

By Colleen Romaniuk

Elliot Lake city councillors voted to extend the community’s Age Friendly Delivers program into the new year at a regular city council meeting on Monday.

Council last approved an extension of the program to the end of December, but because of a steady demand for service, city staff recommended the program continue until March 2021.

Elliot Lake FHT Reflects on their community's efforts to protect one another

The Sudbury Star article published January 1, 2021

It has been more than 10 months since Ontario first had evidence of community spread of COVID-19 and the first person tested positive in northeastern Ontario.

Since that time, the nightly news has tended to focus on the impact of COVID-19 in larger centres, but small towns like Elliot Lake have also seen dramatic changes as a result of the pandemic.

Grey-Bruce OHT application submitted to province

The Sun Times article published December 15, 2020

By the Sun Times

The application for the Grey-Bruce Ontario Health Team has been submitted to the Ministry of Health.

The application, submitted by the health team planning committee, is supported by signatures from 20 health service provider boards and organizations across Grey-Bruce, according to a news release issued Friday.

Georgina NPLC's COVID-19 testing drive-thru tests over 130 residents as negative

Georgina Post article published August 5, 2020

By Mike Anderson

More than 130 residents tested negative for COVID-19 after the Georgina Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic (GNPLC) launched a “pop-up” drive-thru testing site at the Georgina Sutton Arena Hall parking lot on July 29.