Dear Members,
As you know, Health Canada approved the Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech) COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years old last Friday. The Government of Ontario opened booking beginning today, November 23. Ontario is expected to receive 1,076,000 doses of the vaccine from the federal government for the approximately one million eligible children, which will be distributed to public health units, pharmacies, and primary care settings across the province. If you are not aware of your PHU’s plans or would like to participate in the vaccine efforts, please contact your PHU directly.
Below are some resources you may find helpful in either planning for vaccination or helping to address questions parents/caregivers may have about vaccinating their kids.
Information Session Webinars for Health Care Providers

Getting Kids Back to Being Kids: COVID-19 Vaccinations for Children 5-11
Friday November 26, 2021 | 8:00 to 9:15 a.m. ET
In this upcoming session, Dr. Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health, and Dr. Daniel Warshafsky, Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health, will share current information regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in children ages 5-11, and the provincial roll-out plans, followed by a panel of professionals providing an overview of implementation through a variety of lenses. A moderated Q&A will follow the discussion. Register to attend.
Information webinar: COVID-19 vaccination for children 5-11 years old
Monday November 29, 2021 | 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. ET
The Alliance, AFHTO and the NPLCA are cohosting an information session to help our members prepare, and to answer your most pressing questions. Dr. Janine McCready, infectious diseases physician at Michael Garron Hospital, will share details of the vaccine for children, share insights for how to counsel parents and guardians, and address commonly asked questions and concerns. Register to attend.
Ministry of Health Resources and Tools
- COVID-19 Vaccine:5-11 Implementation Package (playbook targeted to PHUs)
AODA Compliant Fact Sheet and Poster COVID-19 Vaccines for Children and Youth:
Fact Sheet
- ENG:
- FRE:
- ENG:
- FRE:
Updated guidance documents related to COVID-19 vaccines for Children/Youth aged 5-17:
- Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Children/ Youth (Age 5-17) Consent form
- COVID-19 Vaccine Information Sheet: For Children (5-11), (FR), November 22
- COVID-19 Vaccine Administration, amended November 23
- Paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine: Frequently Asked Questions (FR)
Helpful Tools/Resources
Updated Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty product monograph
- Updated November 19, 2021
Response to individuals requesting to book a paediatric vaccine appointment
Sample letter to patients encouraging patients/caregivers to vaccinate their kids
- Letter drafted by Drs Tara Kiran and Noah Ivers that can be adapted for use in your clinics
Fears about safety and long-term effects:
- Max the Vax -
- Sick Kids vaccine information phone line -
- Focussed Covid Communication/University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy -
Needle fear and pain:
- CARD system (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) -
- Immunize Canada -
- Pediatric Pain, Health and Communication lab at U of G -
Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy:
- Kids Health First -
- Vaccine hesitancy and First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations –
University of Toronto DFCM and OCFP Free Learning Modules
Free learning module: Vaccination in children age 5-11
DFCM and OCFP have developed a free learning module on vaccination in children aged 5-11 designed to support primary care clinicians as they begin discussing vaccination of children with patients and their families.
The vaccination in children module includes:
- Dose and composition
- Efficacy
- Safety
- Risk of myocarditis and pericarditis
- Benefits of vaccinating children
- Our role as primary care clinicians
- Common questions and concerns
- Resources
This module is the latest update to a series of free COVID-19 vaccination modules developed to provide primary care professionals with the knowledge and skills to support Canada’s COVID-19 vaccination effort. The self-learning series is designed both as a continuous learning experience and as a resource that users can refer to as needed. To learn more and for free registration please register here.
As we look towards the holiday season our team would like to thank you for all the hard work you continue to do to keep your patients and your communities safe. This has been another tough year, but hope is around the corner. Continue to stay safe and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas.
Yours in good health,
The AFHTO Team