Members' Stories

July 3 – Dr. Ruth Wilson, a Queen’s FHT physician and former AFHTO board member, was named a member of the Order of Canada on Canada Day. The recipient of numerous awards, Dr. Wilson, who’s also a professor in the Department of Family Medicine at Queen's University, was moved by the honour, saying
July 3 – Mothers attending the Waterfront Festival in Cobourg will have no trouble finding a comfortable spot to breastfeed and change their babies. The Northumberland Breastfeeding Coalition, of which Northumberland FHT is a member, has arranged a line-up of hot pink Adirondack chairs in an open-
A new Electronic Medical Record (EMR) query to identify patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is available to all primary care providers using Accuro EMR. The query was developed by QIDS Specialists from the Windsor FHT and East GTA FHT and validated by
June 26 - Essex County NPLC is promoting cervical cancer screening for women in Ford City, a Windsor neighbourhood with a low rate of regular checkups. Residents experience multiple barriers to health care such as transportation issues, poverty and not having a family doctor, which is why an
May 25 - St. Michael’s Academic Hospital Family Health Team’s focus on treating poverty as a root cause of poor health continues to grow as profiled in the Toronto Star. The innovative process starts from screening for poverty during admission through to potential visits with an income security
May 13 – According to Police Service Chief Robert Keetch, the Neighbourhood Resource Centre has been instrumental in decreasing crime in downtown Sault Ste. Marie. The centre, launched by Sault Ste. Marie police last May, serves as an access point for area residents to medical assistance provided
May 13 – Based on successful pilots at the East End FHT, Great Northern FHT and Superior FHT, a new telepsychiatry program aims to create a collaborative care model for both patients and providers and increase access to mental health care across the North. Family Health Teams in the North East
May 4 – Sometimes wait list times for psychiatric services last up to a year but family doctors are often the first to hear about children and teens’ mental health concerns. With this in mind Central Lambton FHT has partnered with Western University's Schulich School of Medicine in what is believed
April 20- The Ottawa Citizen profiled Akausivik Inuit FHT for their whole person approach to patient care. The team treats members of Ottawa’s Inuit community, the biggest Inuit population of Canadian cities outside of the Arctic. With patients that tend to have other issues that can
April 16 - Two Rivers FHT honoured at Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO)'s Annual General Meeting           Left to Right: Heather McConnell (RNAO Associate Director, Guideline Implementation and Knowledge Transfer), Lesley Roberts (Two Rivers
April 8 - The Thamesview Family Health Team is hosting the RENEW program in the Chatham-Kent area. RENEW (Resources, Education, Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness) is a free four-week program for cancer survivors featuring experts, including a genetic counsellor, registered dietitian and physiotherapist
Mar 31- On Friday Mar 27, funding for the Erie-St. Clair LHIN was announced including a new two-year pilot project to treat lower back pain and for physiotherapy in primary care. Physiotherapy, chiropractic and massage therapy will be available at the Essex County Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic, the