Deadline for nominations to the AFHTO Board of Directors extended; Now August 15

Dear AFHTO members:

Due to interest from several parties, the deadline to apply to serve on the AFHTO board of directors has been extended to August 15. Please see below for further details.

Are you interested in serving on the AFHTO board of directors? The Governance Committee of AFHTO’s board invites anyone who works within an AFHTO member organization to apply. Please share this call for nominations with all who work in your team and with members on your Board.


Governance Training with Charity Village

We are pleased to have a partnership with Charity Village to offer our teams three different governance training program options aligned with the expectations in the governance attestations. The three training options available are as follows:
Better Board Kit
This is a three-part series which includes a 1.5 hr online, on-demand Boards that Work course + a Board Self EvaluationSurvey + a Facilitation Guide that will walk your board through a planning session based on the survey results.