AFHTO 2024 Conference: want to come for free?

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Room full of people watch a speaker at a podium next to a screen with slides
You could host a session like this in October and get complimentary registration.


Want to come for free?

We have several openings for program hosts, including one for Oct. 24 only. These volunteers help keep our sessions on track and get complimentary registration in return. See the role description here and email if you’re interested. Deadline Sep. 6, 2024.

More volunteer opportunities with discounts for registration will be available soon.





Register today!

Don’t forget to vote – which concurrent session should be livestreamed at the conference?

In addition to our plenaries and awards ceremony, we’ll livestream one concurrent session per timeslot (descriptions here) for our virtual attendees, for a total of SIX sessions. But we need you to help us decide!

Pick your favourite sessions – deadline today, Aug. 30. The winners will be streamed from the main ballroom.


Conference Highlights:


* We’ll release more information about other sessions soon so stay tuned!


Patients and students welcome! For general information, you can visit our conference page

We look forward to seeing you at the AFHTO 2024 Conference!