Two new concurrent sessions
- C4-b - The challenges of managing chronic pain with concurrent mental health and substance use concerns
- F2 - Implementing Networks in Primary Care: Insight into the Irish Experience
If you’ve already registered and haven’t picked your sessions yet, don’t hesitate- do it now before your preferred session is gone! Just follow the link in your confirmation email.
Register before the early bird deadline Oct. 2!
- We added rooms at the Westin for Oct. 25 but all nights are selling out. Book here before Oct. 2 to get the group rate.
- Reminder- the deadline to share your ideas for Let’s Talk About… sessions is Sep. 27.
- Reminder- the deadline to submit questions for the Q&A with Ontario Health for EDs/Admin Leads is Sep. 27. Please log in to our member section to access more information.
- Reminder- we have volunteer opportunities onsite for deeply discounted registration, such as registration desk, attendee assistance at breakfast and lunch and wayfinding. Email us for more information.
Conference Highlights:
- Q&A with Ontario Health for EDs and Admin Leads
- Opening Plenary - Integrating Caregivers as Partners in Care: Momentum for a Whole-System Approach
- AFHTO "Bright Lights" Awards Ceremony – Awards will be presented at lunchtime on October 24, 2024, for a celebration recognising the outstanding patient-centred care interprofessional primary care teams across Ontario deliver. Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.
- Thirty concurrent sessions and 47 posters in 4 core streams from diverse organisations, highlighting best practices and innovations in primary health care.
- Closing Plenary- Empowering Primary Care Teams: The AI Advantage
- On- demand sessions for those who can’t get enough content and those tuning in from home
- Programs available exclusively to AFHTO members
- Leadership Triad Session – Leadership workshop for board members, board chairs, EDs and Lead MDs/NPs of AFHTO member organizations
- NEW- Let’s Talk About… sessions
- IHP Profession-Based Networking Sessions
- … and more! See the Conference Schedule for the current agenda.*
* We’ll release more information about other sessions soon so stay tuned!
Patients and students welcome! For general information, you can visit our conference page.
We look forward to seeing you at the AFHTO 2024 Conference!