AFHTO 2013 Conference: Call for “Bright Light” Award Nominations

The deadline for AFHTO "Bright Light" nominations has been

extended to August 6, 2013.

Nominations are open for the second annual AFHTO “Bright Light” Awards program recognizing leadership, outstanding work and significant progress being made to improve the value delivered by Family Health Teams across Ontario. Awards will be presented at the AFHTO 2013 Conference Awards Dinner, on October 22, 2013.

Nominate an outstanding team or individual for an award in one of eight award categories. Winners in three of these categories will receive an education grant*.

Make a nomination

Nominations for “Bright Light” awards will be reviewed and selected by the “Bright Light” Review Committee.

"Bright Light" Award Categories

  1. Leadership and governance for quality
  2. Using data to improve care*
  3. Improving care for “the 5%”
  4. Integration: building the team beyond the FHT
  5. Advances in health promotion and chronic disease management*
  6. Improving care for seniors
  7. Innovation in interprofessional collaborative team implementation
  8. Meaningful use of EMRs*

* Thank you to our generous sponsors for providing education grants to award winners in the categories marked above:

  • Merck Canada Inc. for providing a $3,000 education grant for the “Bright Light” award recipient in the Using data to improve care category.
  • Boehringer Ingelheim for providing four award recipients in the Advances in health promotion and chronic disease management category with the opportunity to attend the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Conference on March 9-11, 2014, in Washington, DC.
  • QHR Technologies (Accuro EMR by Optimed) for providing a $3,000 education grant for the award recipient in the Meaningful Use of EMRs category.

Please note: Sponsors have no role in establishment of award criteria, call for nominations, judging or selection of the program winners.