Better Outcomes Together: Empowering Teams for Patient-Centered Care

The AFHTO 2024 Conference program is built around 4 core themes.
- Expanding access to team-based care
- Supporting the implementation of primary care networks
- Investing in the digital health of primary care
- Mental health and addictions
Conference Theme Descriptions
Download a printable PDF of the theme descriptions here.
1. Expanding access to team-based care
Topics of interest include (but aren’t limited to):
- Connecting with home care
- Who needs us most? Addressing social determinants of health
- Local and regional engagement with government and health systems
- Recruitment and retention: local successes
- Program expansion and increasing attachment
- Addressing Health Human Resources while expanding access to care
2. Supporting the implementation of primary care networks
Topics of interest include (but aren’t limited to):
- Fostering better connections within OHTs
- Best approaches to integrate PCNs
- Case studies
- Addressing changes in team dynamics due to fluctuations in clinician numbers
3. Investing in the digital health of primary care
Topics of interest include (but aren’t limited to):
- Cybersecurity
- Interoperability
- Improving patient access to their data
- Responsible and innovative uses for AI including documentation
4. Mental health and addictions
Topics of interest include (but aren’t limited to):
- Embedding and connecting mental health and addictions services in primary care teams
- Standardising mental health and addictions care
- Addressing increasingly complex MH needs
- Incorporating sextuple aim into your everyday