2016 Annual Report | Equity, Integration and Access: Shaping a Population-Focused Health System

AFHTO’s vision is that all Ontarians will have timely access to high-quality and comprehensive primary care – care that is informed by the social determinants of health, delivered by collaborative teams, and anchored in an integrated, equitable and sustainable health system. Our 2016 Annual Report,  Equity, Integration and Access: Shaping a Population-Focused Health System chronicles the work of AFHTO and its members to move Ontario toward that vision. In this report you’ll read about:

  • Data we can now generate that reveals higher primary care quality is associated with lower total health system cost.
  • Data that shows AFHTO members do better on quality than average for the province.
  • Advocacy that has led to government’s recognition for interprofessional primary care through an $85 million funding commitment over 3 years.
  • Progress in strengthening governance and the relationship between teams and physicians.
  • The value of Quality Improvement Decision Support (QIDS) Specialists and QIDS Partnerships in advancing meaningful measurement and improvement across primary care.

Around the world, cost-effective and high-performing health systems are based on a solid foundation of comprehensive primary care. We hope you enjoy reading what AFHTO members are doing to strengthen that foundation, and we look forward to continuing to work with you toward this vision.