Provincial Antigen Screening Program - Intake Portal 

Shared by the Ministry of Health

Shared May 13, 2021

The Provincial Antigen Screening Program intake portal is now live on the Ontario Together website. 

As of May 7th, eligible organizations looking to provide COVID-19 screening to their staff on-site can find out if they are eligible to receive free rapid antigen tests through the Ontario Together website at the following link, in English and French:

As you may already know, with results available in about 15 minutes, workplace rapid antigen screening allows organizations to quickly identify potential COVID-19 cases among workers not showing symptoms (asymptomatic) and help prevent outbreaks that may otherwise lead to a closure.  Additionally, workplace screening for COVID-19 can help keep organizations open, support business continuity and enhance safety.
The COVID-19 Testing for Organizations page provides a ‘one-stop shop’ for eligible organizations to apply for rapid antigen test kits through the Provincial Antigen Screening Program. The website will help an organization determine their eligibility for free tests, then intake them into the program providing all the necessary guidance and information about how to order tests and set up a screening clinic on-site. The new page will also allow eligible organizations to digitally manage their planned intake, onboarding and ordering of test kits, and access related training resources and materials, all in one spot. 
Organizations eligible to receive free rapid antigen tests through the Provincial Antigen Screening Program must agree to program terms and conditions and review onboarding and training materials, before ordering free rapid antigen tests from the province of Ontario. Furthermore, all sites implementing rapid antigen screening in Ontario must ensure the tests are used in accordance with the COVID-19 Guidance: Considerations for Antigen Point-of-Care Testing
Please note, rapid antigen screening does not replace COVID-19 infection prevention and control measures.