Accuro - HbA1c Queries

Below are a few options for Accuro queries for the indicator: % of patients with diabetes who had 2 or more HbA1c tests within the past 12 months 

1)  % of pts from our Diabetes Registry (Dx code 250) that had a live or virtual visit in the last 12 months (visit with MD and/or DM team

a)  Query name: DMP Diabetes Registry Numerator. Description: % of pts from our Diabetes Registry that had a live or virtual visit in the last 12 months (visit with MD and/or DM team); DM Registry Numerator/DM Registry Denominator

b) Query name: DMP Diabetes Registry Denominator. Description: % of pts from our Diabetes Registry that had a live or virtual visit in the last 12 months (visit with MD and/or DM team); DM Registry Numerator/DM Registry Denominator

2)    % of pts from our Diabetes Registry that had 2 or more HbA1C test in the past 12 months
a.) Query name: DMP HbA1C (2 or more) Numerator. Description: % of pts from our Diabetes Registry that had 2 or more HbA1C test in the past 12 months; DMP HbA1C (2 or more) Numerator / DMP Diabetes Registry Denominator

3)    % of pts from our Diabetes Registry with a prescription for glucose monitoring device
a)  Query name: DMP Glucose Monitoring Numerator. Description: % of pts from our Diabetes Registry with a prescription for glucose monitoring device; DMP Glucose Monitoring Numerator/ DM Diabetes Registry Denominator