Scroll down for a variety of training opportunities and resources for primary care:
- Workplace Health & Safety Training sessions
- Primary Care Nurse Education Fund applications open until March 31, 2014
- Cancer screening awareness campaign resources for motivating patients
- H-CARDD Atlas of Primary Care of Adults with Developmental Disabilities in Ontario
- Open for Comment: HQO/OHTAC recommendations on Point-of-Care Hemoglobin A1c Testing (until February 17, 2014)
Register Now for Upcoming Workplace Health & Safety Training Sessions
The Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) provides free workplace health and safety expertise to Ontario public service sector employers and workers. PSHSA offers a wide variety of free training, products and consulting services to meet guidelines established by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and enforced by the Ministry of Labour. Click here for the full training catalogue. Free Healthcare Webinars:- Workplace Bullying and Domestic Violence
- Reporting Requirements under the OHS Act
- Community Care: A Tool to Reduce Workplace Hazards
- Roles and Responsibilities under the OHS Act
Primary Care Nurse Education Fund applications open until March 31, 2014
The Nursing Education Initiative Grant Program is funded by Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOH). The program provides education grants to support nurses’ knowledge and skills through professional development. Eligible primary care RNs can apply for up to $1,500 in funding through RNAO and eligible primary care RPNs can apply through RPNAO. Registrants are encouraged to apply to the Fund for the upcoming Primary Care Nurse Institute (March 23-28th)Cancer Screening awareness campaign resources to motivate your patients
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC), in partnership with CCO, launched their new Integrated Cancer Screening campaign, encouraging Ontarians to speak with their health care providers about getting screened for breast, colorectal, and cervical cancer. Research tells us that people are more likely to do something, like get screened, if they are motivated to do so by their health care provider. The links below connect you with the campaign material, as well as additional information you may find useful, including the ministry’s resources for breast, cervical and colorectal screening, as well as CCO’s screening guidelines.- Cancer Screening TV ad (English)
- CCO’s Screening Guidelines
- Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) Resources
- Ontario Cervical Screening Cytology (Pat-Test) Resources
- Colon Cancer Check Resources