The results of the first phase in our collective journey toward the next Ministry contract has been e-mailed to all AFHTO member Board Chairs, Lead MD/NPs and EDs of AFHTO member organizations. New contracts will come into force for FHTs on April 1, 2016; their content could influence Ministry-NPLC contracts as well. Click here to review the principles and guidance for moving forward.
As described in a September 10 e-mail, the objective at this stage has been to develop a common statement of principles and set of agreed priorities to guide AFHTO’s work toward the new contract template. This has been done through a survey of our FHT and NPLC leaders (115 responses) and the leadership session held immediately before the AFHTO conference (over 180 participants).
From this process, strong support has emerged for a clear set of principles for:
- Governance of primary care organizations
- Accountability and reporting to funders
- Determining accountability measures